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How to Develop a Winner’s Mindset: 8 Winning Tools & Tips

Winner's Mindset

How do you develop a winner’s mindset when adversity seems everywhere? God wants us all to be victorious throughout the challenges of life’s journey. Whatever your pain and difficulties, you can conquer all through the love of God. On the A Healing Peace podcast, we explored how to be victorious through Christ with expert help. What are the tools and tips you can take to do this? Let us break this down.


8 Tools and Tips to Develop a Winner’s Mindset


1. Explore the Unknown

When you look at your circumstances and life’s path, seek God’s guidance through prayer. You may want to seek input from those who are close to you. When you do this, you allow yourself the freedom to explore.

You can start by considering one area of your life where you might or might not want to change. Some examples may be finding new employment, ending a relationship, or something smaller like cooking, learning new recipes, doing something different with your hair, or even trying a new soap. Pick one item. Now spend time thinking about the benefits of doing this differently.

Remember to pray through and ask for safe people. The goal is to gain encouragement and clarity rather than discouragement and negativity.

2. Move Beyond Fear

To possess a winner’s mindset sometimes requires us to move beyond our fears. First, trust God in the unknown and allow Him to mold you. Simply, let God move you.

Perhaps there is some area of your life where you lack trust in God. You may trust God with everything else, but find trust issues when it comes to relationships or other challenging areas. Remember that God is with you in every area of your life. God has you!

3. Notice Your Fear Filter

Because we feel fear, we may become afraid to try anything in life. The outcome of this is that we stop living our lives because we are caught up in fear. This is where we need to change our mindset. Start thinking positively instead of with fear.

What is fear keeping you from? What would it look like to have a trusting mindset instead? By gaining an awareness of your fear filter, you can find greater power to flip the switch and move forward with faith.

4. Find Like-Minded People

There is so much value in being around people with vision who can push you forward. This is so needed because we do get tired sometimes. But when we have like-minded people around us, they can spur us on to our good deeds. It is like flint lighting a fire.

What is it you want more of in your life? Who is going to understand your changing perspective? Reach out to these people or open your eyes to a community where you can find people like this.

As you connect with like-minded people, keep an attitude of learning within your relationships. They might have new ideas that open your mind to something even better.

5. Be Led By the Spirit

How do we remain purpose-driven? Do not be afraid to find yourself.  Allow yourself to be led by the spirit and listen intently to God. Pray, read the Bible, and ask questions. It is up to you to take action.

Making a difference boils down to doing things you love. Live in a place of authenticity. When you allow yourself the freedom to do this, you embrace your identity which leads to new adventures while making the impact that God wants for you. Find things you like doing and just go do it. You can start small by just going outside. Get out of the house and do something that you enjoy doing.

6. Embrace Gratitude

Each of us has our unique purpose. Gratitude is what allows us to believe in ourselves, especially with our gifts and talents. Being fueled with gratitude allows us to embrace God’s purpose for our lives. But more importantly, gratitude keeps us from comparing ourselves to others.

When we are not comparing, but reminding ourselves of God’s blessings in our lives, we continue on our unique journey. Gratitude leads to powerful lives. You can learn more about this gratitude in the books 1,000 Gifts and I Choose Joy. You can find the books to get started with gratitude on our website here.

You may also want to make a gratitude list with items like being grateful for your family, waking up, and drinking coffee. Over time, build up that list as you progress in life.

7. Keep Learning

How do you stay motivated? Reading personal development books or listening to audiobooks and podcasts can help you find the inspiration you need. It can be very impactful to learn about others and how they overcame obstacles as you face your own.

As you build your support team, reading books with this theme will bridge the gap when your support team is not available. You can learn how someone else overcame and apply what they learned in your life.

Learning is a powerful tool to fill your life with inspiration and helpful strategies for success. Your winner’s mindset will n be far behind when you put on your learning hat.

8. Listen to Your Body

With all these strategies and tips in place, you may become aware that fear is leading you to anxiety. Or certain choices may be leading to your anxiety. By listening to your body, you can make decisions that lead to freedom.

Therefore, if you find that your body begins talking to you, spend time in prayer, meditation, and with your support team. If your support team cannot assist, do not be afraid to seek additional help. Doing all these things will help you build a winning mindset to overcome adversity and live your life with joy and confidence in God. Once you have read through these tips, pick a couple of items to work through and keep building. You have so much power to create positive change in your life. Taking your first step is the only way to begin.